Kumrat Valley

Attraction Info
State Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
District Swat
(from Islamabad)
329 km (Approx.)
Altitude 2,000 meters above sea level
Attractions: Ushu Forest
Mahodand Lake
Matiltan Waterfalls
Gabral Valley
Kundol Lake
Swat River
Clothing Summer: Light clothes, warm jacket.
Winter: Heavy woolens, thermals, gloves, hats.
Sturdy, comfortable footwear.
Weather Warm summers, cool autumns, cold winters featuring heavy snowfall

Kumrat Valley

Kalam is a mesmerizing valley located in the upper reaches of the Swat region of Pakistan. Known for its lush green hills, gushing rivers, and serene atmosphere, it’s a popular destination for tourists seeking tranquility and adventure. The beauty of Kalam is enhanced by the diversity of its landscape, ranging from snow-capped mountains to dense forests.
Adventure Opportunities:
  • Trekking and Hiking:

    Explore the trails leading to mesmerizing destinations like Ushu Forest and Matiltan Waterfalls.

  • Jeep Safaris:

    Take a thrilling ride through the rough terrains to visit the enchanting Mahodand Lake.

  • Camping:

    Experience the wilderness by setting up a camp under the star-studded sky in one of Kalam’s scenic spots.

  • Fishing:

    Try your hand at trout fishing in the clear waters of the Swat River.

  • River Rafting:

    For the thrill-seekers, navigating the rapids of the Swat River can be an exhilarating experience.

Weather Conditions
The weather in Kalam is a mix of sharp contrasts; summers are pleasant with moderate temperatures ideal for exploration and outdoor activities. Winters, on the other hand, are extremely cold with heavy snowfall, turning the valley into a winter wonderland. The transitional seasons of spring and autumn offer unique vistas with blossoming flowers or the golden hues of fall.
When packing for Kalam, consider the time of year you’ll be visiting. During summer, light clothes with a warm shawl or jacket for the evenings should suffice. However, if you’re heading there in winter, heavy woolens, jackets, gloves, and caps are essential to keep you warm against the freezing temperatures. Waterproof boots and layers are always recommended, as weather can change unexpectedly at high altitudes.
Why I should visit Kumrat Valley?
Kalam’s serene environment, coupled with picturesque landscapes and welcoming locals, makes it a sought-after destination for those seeking a tranquil retreat and outdoor adventures. In conclusion, Kalam attracts visitors for its stunning scenery, outdoor activities, and the chance to experience the peaceful charm of the Swat Valley.

Kumrat Valley Tours

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6 Days Hunza & Hooper Valley

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6 Days Trip to Hunza & Deosai

Hunza Valley, Hunza Nagar

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